03 July 2014

It's almost the weekend, again!

I've been enjoying a little family time at Golden Gate Canyon State Park in Colorado for a few days, and I must say it is stunning.  So much great hiking, I could never get through this whole park!  But when I get sick of cooking my own food over an open fire in this fresh air (boo hoo), it's nice to pop into nearby Golden and eat at the skeevy-looking, but totally delicious, Buffalo Rose.  Trust me, and get the Cuban.

You're about to get inundated with smoothie recipes because my 40th birthday is just around the corner, so I love that the folks at The Mason Shaker have devised a way to shake shake shake their way to a kale smoothie without ever having to clean a blender afterwards. (And yes, I realize I'm about seven months late to the health party.)

From The Mason Shaker

Speaking of my birthday, can I please have this cake by Caroline Chirichella over at  La Cucina Della Prima Donna all to myself?

From La Cucina Della Prima Donna

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